
目前顯示的是 10月, 2021的文章

#Do you use AI in your everyday life?

 With the advancement of technology, AI is becoming more and more developed. It always appears in our lives. For example, Siri from iPhone. Siri is in our phone, I can shout ''Hey!Siri'' directly at my phone, and it will come out to meet your needs. This invention is good for lazy people. I always use it to make a call and set the alarm, sometimes ask it to tell jokes. AI is really convenient to our lives!

#Is technology harmful to youngsters?

My answer is NO! Although there may be some disadvantages, I think the advantages are more than those.  For example, technological development create the mobile phone, which can be easily carried by people. It may cause myopia or become addicted to mobile phones, but I think this is completely controlled by people. Everyone relies on technology heavily now and it always appears around us. So I think technology is good to us. 

#Five Good Words

adolescent young person in the process of developing into an adult ex: Adolescents tend to have lots of energy. smoking gun information or evidence that proves that something is true or that someone has committed a crime ex:Police are still looking for a smoking gun in the kidnapping case. savvy having a good understanding and pratical knowledge of something ex:Teenagers are savvier about handling their digital information than adults. immersive seeming to surround the audience, player, etc. so that they feel completely involved in something ex:The new game is more immersive. manipulate to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly ex:Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media. Website link