#TED Talk 2 Grit: The power of passion and perseverance
Q: What do you think is the key to success?
A: I think is the passion, effort and grit. When I am passionate about something, I will be involved in it and enjoy the process. But, not everything is so simple to complete. If we have a long-term goal, we need enough effort and grit. With these three keys, I believe that it's not far from success.
Five words I learn from the talk
very high or great.
ex: It's an amazing camera, but the price is stratospheric!
courage and determination despite difficultly.
ex: It takes true grit to stand up to a bully.
continued effort and determination
ex: Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up to the top.
the physical and mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a long time.
ex: The triathlon is a great test of stamina.
an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts.
ex: Often there's no clear evidence one way or the other and you just have to base your judgment on intuition.